YouTube For Regular People...Part One #1 

Marcellus McMillian

A content creator and marketer. I create courses that help the bottom line. 

Welcome Are you looking to start a YouTube Channel? Are you one of the thousands of people who can truly see the potential of YouTube but not really sure where to start and just how to manage it all? Well I truly understand and my hope is that in this article you will find some of the most valuable info to get you started on your journey.

WIth YouTube Putting information in front of your potential client or customer you will be able to take a small brand or business all over the world since it's a global platform..

YouTube is something that most people today are trying to learn. It seems that there are so many gurus and experts that are out there today and so many videos to watch. 

If I am honest I spend a lot of time watching videos online, I mean a whole lot. Not because I am looking for information but a lot of times it's just to hear the things that other people are saying.

 I like to study YouTube at this point I want to see and hear what others are saying to see if there is some new info or maybe something that I need to adjust. 

There is so much information that at times it can be overwhelming. So before I get started with this post let me give you a little background. A few of my friends and I started back on YouTube many years ago. We really didn't know the power of some of the social media platforms, we had come from the era of internet radio (the podcast of our day) and we were fine with the little following that we had. we had been on the internet doing radio shows for almost ten years . 

So to give you some context when we were done with the radio program Facebook was really starting to take off. YouTube had already been a part of the landscape but we really were in need of a break. So most of us went away. Including me, I didn't want to be bothered with some of the religious programs that we were covering and the abuses that were going on so I decided to just walk away. Well in 2020 some of my internet friends asked me to come back but not only come back could I share with them some of the things I had learned about community building and so I decided to put together a course to show them what to do.  Now I don't want to go into that at this point I just want to help you get started with the platform. 

So why YouTube??

So why all the fuss over YouTube at this point? Most people aren't aware that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. 

 It is the place where most people are going to find information. So if you can put that information in front of your potential client or customer you will be able to take a small brand or business all over the world since it's a global platform.  

Now I have decided to do several post on the best practices here and I can truly tell you there are over about seven hours worth of lessons that I have crammed into these post. 

 So my main reason for going all in on YouTube is traffic but not just any ole traffic FREE traffic. In the traditional sense most marketers understand that we would have to pay or use a paid service to get that kind of traffic that YouTube can bring to us for no cost. 

 I am going to break them into several post. I am looking for your feedback and your ideas about the topic of each post. And the end I will do virtual session where you can ask me questions and I will give you my best answers. 

If I know I will share if I don't I will try and point you into the direction that you need to go in. 

Here are my list of most important things to grow on YouTube.

#1 Consistency.

Yeah, Yeah I know you have heard this a million times but I want to talk about this maybe in a way that you haven't thought about it . First how I look at consistency is work flow and schedule. But the first thing you need to think about with your channel is it's purpose. What is the purpose of your channel. Is it to get leads, sales, brand awareness etc. Or it could be a combination of all of those things and even more. Most of us have a business to run along with adding this YouTube stuff so we have to think about it in a way that makes sense.  First you need to always make videos for the audience and not for yourself. Think about the viewer from start to finish. 

It's Quality over Quantity. But you need to build your Audience first and train the algorithm. 

Have a regular posting schedule.  

You need to have a daily or weekly creation day. Not for editing the videos but just for creating the content. If you make videos weekly pick one day a week to create and one day a week to edit. If your creating video's daily you will make the videos and edit them on a day that you choose. 

Don't Publish in Waves. 

  • Most video creators do this. It's Quality over Quantity. But you need to build your Audience first and train the algorithm. Based on YouTube the average  creator doesn't hit their learning curve until 100 videos.
  • You Are also Training your viewers. If you say your coming on or posting videos on a certain day do it!
  • Even if you create your content all at once and schedule it, then you need to set the proper expectations for your audience and then meet those expectations. 

Develop a workflow. (Now this may take some time) 

    Create a system for saving your ideas. (I use an Excel Spreadsheet & Evernote)
    Also have a fast way to pull Assets I use (Eagle
    Create A Swipe File. (This is when you save pictures,websites,ads or whatever you find on the web.)  

Now In part two we will talk about branding....until the next post please share and come back for more!

Originally published July 22, 2022